Is he an Americana Rooster or Hen?????


9 Years
May 18, 2010
Sonoma County
I have an 18 week old Americana. At what age is it determined if he is male or female? By his personality, we thought for sure he was a rooster, but he's not crowing, no spurs, no fancy tail. He is the alpha, the leader, challenges all of the others, the most friendly, but is HE A HE????

At what age would he crow? None of the other females are clucking yet.

When do spurs appear?

Is Joselito - JOSELITA???

Been spending hours online trying to find pics of Americana Ro's and Hens, but no answers.

Thanks for your time!
You might have better luck looking up pictures of Easter Eggers... since there's no actual breed called "Americana". Hatcheries that say they sell Americanas are usually selling Easter Eggers. True Ameraucana (different spelling) or Araucanas are rare. But I agree, by 18 weeks, I'd expect a crow no matter what the breed. Your she-he might just be the dominent pullet!
Thanks, Everyone!

She is just a very curious, fearless, and wonderful hen I guess. The true test will be IF AND WHEN I find a green or blue egg!!!

My EE roo is 5 months and still no crowing so don't use that as an indicator. Nor does lack of spurs say anything. Look for long thin hackle or neck feathers, and long thin saddle or rump feathers. Sometimes the tail feathers can get pecked as they grow so you wont see the fancy ones. but the others feathers should be showing up by now.

My 18 wk blue Americana isn't crowing yet either. He just makes this weird sound to get my attention to let him out. But he is definitely a he. He has pointed feathers and getting a plumage tail.

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